Yolie's World

Sunday, August 06, 2006

New Readers?

My Champ, CJ
So I just talked to Mom and she told me that Claudia had mentioned my blog on a radio show she was interviewed for, which caused me to immediately run to the computer and begin a new post since I have not posted in some time. Mostly, I have been busy enjoying every second of my time as CJ's Mom. I can't believe he's thirteen months...it's flown by faster than I would have liked, but I am loving it all the same. Just in case anybody new is reading (what with Claudia making me famous and all), I thought I'd review my life very quickly so that people could catch up. Here goes...
The first eleven years of my life were spent either in a neglectful, abusive home or in foster care. At the age of eleven, along with my two brothers, I was adopted by the only woman in my life who has ever earned the right to be called Mom by me. We moved from Texas to Georgia (man was that an interesting trip) and have been here ever since. I am now a stay-at-home mother to the most precious child on God's green earth (in my humble opinion) and am very proud to have stopped the cycle of poverty, drug abuse, child abuse and neglect that was handed down to me by my birth family. There's a whole lot more to me, but in a nutshell that's my life right now. I am 26 years old, have a Masters Degree in Social Work and have chosen the best thing I can do for society right now is to be a good mother. I am passionate about sibling groups being adopted together, after all that is how they survived the hellish situations they were in before they came to the adopted home, how can anyone deprive them (and by them I mean me) of the right to maintain the only bonds that they've had since birth? Anyway, I can go on and on about that (and will in posts to come), but for now that is enough. I hope to update much more frequently now and my biggest hope for my blog is that I can help at least one person understand what it's like to be a child coming out of foster care, scared to death and full of rejection. I am very opinionated, sometimes overly emotional about the subjects I discuss, but most importantly, I have a story to tell. I am the child who was abused and neglected, I am the child who was in foster care, I am the child who was adopted, I am a social worker, I am a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter, a Sister, and an Aunt and I am proud to be all those things.


  • At 7:52 PM, Blogger Audrey said…

    And an awesome friend who makes cinnamon rolls! I MISS you like something awful this week! Can I come over and cuddle with CJ one afternoon?

  • At 8:07 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Amazing woman,

    I hope you are part of Foster Care Alumni of America. It's a new national movement to use the collective voice of former foster children to positively change the foster care system.

    If not, you really should be... Your passion and experiences are so valuable.

    From a former foster child and current child advocate,

  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger Gawdessness said…

    Not a new reader but glad to see you posting.
    We have recently had a brother and sister move into our family and will hopefully be adopting them in the next six months.
    Love your blog.

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Linda B. said…

    Yolie.....it is soooo good to see you bloging again.

    Linda B.


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