Happy Birthday, Mama!

Baby Cindy Mae
Mr. Incredible
CW & Cindy Mae

Mr. Incredible

CW & Cindy Mae

Aunt Marcela and Little Cindy
Too cute...

Too cute...

Since my Mom prefers (demands) that her children ignore her birthday and not buy her any presents or make a big deal of it, I have been stumped as to what to do for her. Truly, it seems wrong not to shout to the world that the best Mother in the world was born yesterday, some 53 years ago. I've pretty much bucked her on her "no presents, etc" deal every year, except this one. The truth is that with two young kids I couldn't have run out and bought her a gift if I wanted to. So, what do you do for someone who saved your life? She adopted me when I was eleven, along with my two younger brothers. She took me out of foster care and gave me the life I needed. Because of her choice to follow God's will for her life, I was brought from Texas to Georgia where my whole life changed. I would not have met my husband, therefore I would not have had my two amazing kids. Again, how do you thank someone enough for that? I guess you can't. I can think of nothing that would repay her for the sacrifice she made to be my Mom. As I type, I am amazed at how similar a Mother's love and God's love are. Although they give their all, there is no way to repay them, only loving them and trying to make them proud can show them a glimmer of the immense gratefulness I have. So, Mama, please know that I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday (yesterday) and my prayer is that you will one day understand the deep and everlasting love I will always have for you.
At 9:58 AM,
FosterAbba said…
I was glad to read your post this morning. We are in the process of adopting our 11-year-old foster daughter, and her behavior has been so intolerable lately that we've actually wondered if this child will actually grow up to become a functioning, self-sufficient, and happy adult.
In reading about your gratitude, I'm given hope that our efforts won't be for nothing.
At 3:53 PM,
Audrey said…
I think naming your beautiful sweet daughter after her is a pretty good way to say thanks. They're both beautiful souls.
At 7:22 AM,
yestheirmine said…
I have been reading your mom's blog for a couple of weeks daily as I am now addicted to her writing. I also adopted my children from foster care in Texas. I loved seeing your children they are beautiful. God has truely blessed you and your children. I also feel so much hope reading your blog, for the future with our children. Thanks for writing your an inspiration.
At 7:29 AM,
Blessings from above said…
Wow!! You leave a very powerful message! I am the mother of three adopted children (so far) and it is wonderful to see the lasting effect that we have on our children. You lead a awsome testomony of your own for mothers like us that love thier children not matter how they came to us. Keep up the good work and your children and family are wonderful.
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness! My own "adoptive-mommy-heart" sooooo needed to hear that! Your gratitude touched me so much! I can't imagine what a soothing balm your words were to your momma's recently hurt heart! I hope it gives her hope and determination to keep on keeping on!
Those are two sweet kiddos you've got!
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