Yolie's World

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Getting throught the valleys...

This picture was taken at midnight when CJ, although obviously tired, thought it a better idea to roughhouse with me and Chuck while wearing his book as a hat.
I've not been up to blogging latley. Mostly, I feel like putting down in words everything that's been going on lately would only serve to make it more real, which is not what I need right now. But, I know at some point I need to blog again, so I guess there's no time like right now. CJ is asleep so I'd better get to it. My mom and I have been talking alot about the fact that since Mama Daisy passed away our family has been dealt some extremely hard blows. I've felt overwhelmed at times by the punches we've had to endure. We've had deaths, hospitalizations, and imprisonments. The days just seem to bring more and more bad news, to the point that I'd rather not answer my cell phone sometimes. I've watched my Mom have to deal with all the blows and I've seen her and all the family having a hard time with it. I don't know a stronger person than my Mama, and when even she's had it with all the bad news you know it's been a rough ride. I know at times like this we should focus on the good stuff that has happened in our family. I look at CJ, Alyssa, RayRay, Alexander and Tommie (all the babies that are around on a daily basis) and I can't help but smile. We do have the cutest bunch of babies around and I guess being able to hold them and love on them is all we need to remember that God is in control and has a plan for our family. Just think, when I was in the midst of being put into foster care, when my life seemed to be destroyed, I would never have imagined the pure joy God would bring to me in the form of CJ. When Joe was sitting in the county jail nobody imagined that he would be the best daddy to Miss Alyssa, who has brought me more joy than ever. So, we must remember as a family that right now things seem bleak. But we do not know what God has in store for us. We must hold on to this. Now, this is as much a pep talk to myself as to anybody in the family. I constantly have to unload the heavy burden I feel and remember that God can handle it way better than I can, in fact, He has already handled it. He knows how everything will work out in the end, and our family will once again feel victorious. Yesterday in church the youth did a musical interpretation by acting out a scene where a teenager was struggling with the burdens of sin. They illustrated perfectly the demons that were swarming and fighting to keep their hold on the child. Then, God appeared and fought back for this soul. I couldn't help but think of our family, individually and as a whole, we are being attacked, and I was so glad for the reminder that God is fighting for us and that He will not stop until we are all freed from the demons trying to take hold. He is all powerful, and I am so grateful, because it has been painfully obvious in the last few months that we are not.


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