Father's Day
Chuck and his Daddy (the two best Daddys I know)
Yesterday we went to church and then spent the day with Chuck's family, honoring both Chuck and his Dad for being such amazing Dads. I know I talk about Chuck like he's perfect, and the truth is, for me he is. I told him yesterday that he has made all my dreams come true. His dedication and love for me and CJ has led him to work full time at the landscape architecture firm and to start his own business doing landscape design and installation. I have never seen a man work so hard to ensure that his family have whatever they need to thrive. Because he works so hard I am able to be a stay-at-home Mom to CJ, the most important job I could have. He has helped ensure that I break the generational cycle of bad mothering left behind by my birth family. For that, I am eternally thankful. Sometimes I sit back and wonder why God chose to bless me with such a great husband. Whatever the reason, I am so grateful and my prayer is that I can be as good a wife to Chuck as he has been a husband.

Yesterday we went to church and then spent the day with Chuck's family, honoring both Chuck and his Dad for being such amazing Dads. I know I talk about Chuck like he's perfect, and the truth is, for me he is. I told him yesterday that he has made all my dreams come true. His dedication and love for me and CJ has led him to work full time at the landscape architecture firm and to start his own business doing landscape design and installation. I have never seen a man work so hard to ensure that his family have whatever they need to thrive. Because he works so hard I am able to be a stay-at-home Mom to CJ, the most important job I could have. He has helped ensure that I break the generational cycle of bad mothering left behind by my birth family. For that, I am eternally thankful. Sometimes I sit back and wonder why God chose to bless me with such a great husband. Whatever the reason, I am so grateful and my prayer is that I can be as good a wife to Chuck as he has been a husband.